This definitive guide to Britain¿s capital city is packed with 164 pages on the best attractions, historic landmarks, royal palaces and theatres and galleries. Let us help you get the most out of your visit, from practical advice on what to see, where to stay, where to dine and fascinating insights into the London¿s history and its origins to the iconic Tube network to the Tower of London and where you can still find traces of the city Shakespeare would have known. Guide (UK)// definitive guide to Britain¿s capital city is packed with 164 pages on the best attractions, historic landmarks, royal palaces and theatres and galleries. Let us help you get the most out of your visit, from practical advice on what to see, where to stay, where to dine and fascinating insights into the London¿s history and its origins to the iconic Tube network to the Tower of London and where you can still find traces of the city Shakespeare would have known.2850 nr05688-1-2023.jpg2023-02-02
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